Who Pays for Scouting?
To join scouting there is a registration
fee. This registration fee, regardless when you join, renews in March of each year. We collect the new year's registration
fee in late November. Our Troop registraion fee is $33.00. This fee is subject to change as
imposed by National and Council.
Parents are responsible for the cost of
the uniform and handbook.
Groups responsible for supporting Boy Scouting
are the boys and their parents, the troop, the chartered organization, and the community.
Our Troop also obtains income by working on approved
money-earning projects. The community, including parents, supports Scouting through the United Way, Friends of Scouting
enrollment, bequests, and special contributions to the BSA local council. This financial support provides leadership training,
outdoor programs, council service centers and other facilities, and professional service for units.
FundraisingOur Troop runs their
own fundraising, sometimes through a council sponsored program such as Popcorn sales, and often time through our own creativity.
The purpose is to raise funds which the Troop needs to cover advancements, camping equipment and such, and to offset
costs to parents. Such fundraising efforts can include car washes, sales of various items, service oriented activities, and
the like. Parental involvment in these fundraising activities is required at the Boy Scout level.